
Saturday, 29 December 2012

Download skype

Want to boot using pendrive use this wintoflash convertor

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Browser Shaking

This is a fun little trick that can create a shaking screen on your web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, etc..)
The trick is simply a small Java Script that causes your browser window to move to different positions, causing a shake of your entire screen. It's kind of cool to watch and see what Java Script can do! Try it out..
Use this trick at your own risk.
Here's how:
Copy this entire line and paste it onto your address box, then press Enter:

javascript:function Shw(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 35; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} Shw(6)

Burn a CD/DVD on Windows 7 or Vista without using software

CD/DVD burning capability has been added to Windows Operating System since the release of Windows XP. However, the steps to burn CD/DVD on Windows Vista and Windows 7 are a bit different (and somewhat simpler) comparing to Windows XP.
For details on how to burn CD/DVD on Windows XP, click here

You can use this built-in feature to create a data CD/DVD or an audio CD. The steps below will guide you through the procedures. Although the steps below are based on Windows 7, they are very much similar to Windows Vista.
If you're using a Re-Writable CD (CD-RW) or DVD (DVD-RW, DVD+RW), make sure the disc is blank (or "formatted"). You might need to erase (or "format") it before using. For information how to erase a rewritable CD/DVD on Windows Vista or Windows 7 without using a third-party software, see this article.

  1. Insert a blank recordable/rewritable CD (CD-R) or DVD (DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW) disc into the CD burner drive.
  2. With a new blank disc, Windows might pop up a prompt asking you which format you want to use (as shown on the image below).
    As explained on the popup, the option "Like a USB Flash Drive" is more convenient if you want to use the disc as an external storage, which you can add or delete (rewritable disc) files on the fly; however, once the disc is formatted with this option, it can only be read on computers with Windows XP or later. On the other hand, the option "With a CD/DVD Player" is the traditional format of CD/DVD disc and is compatible with a wider range of Windows versions as well as other devices, but requires to burn the disc (or erase the entire disc) all at once.

  3. To keep it simple, we will follow the steps to create traditional CD/DVD, so select "With a CD/DVD Player". Don't forget to change the "Disc title" to something descriptive for your disc, then click "Next".

  4. Navigate to the folders or files which you want to burn to the disc, then select (highlight) the folders/files and click "Burn" (located above the file browsing panels)

  5. A new window is now created similar to the following image, showing the selected files and folders added to the queue to burn to disc. Click "Burn to disc".

  6. On the next popup "Burn to Disc", verify the disc title and select the maximum burning speed, then click "Next".

  7. If you have selected audio files (i.e. MP3), you will be asked to burn the disc as data or audio as shown in the following image. For details on the differences between data and audio discs, please prefer to this article.

  8. The burning wizard will start writing data to the disc and will close and eject the CD/DVD when finish.

Related Articles:
Burn CD/DVD on Windows XP without using software
Erase a re-writable CD/DVD on Windows XP without using software
Erase a re-writable CD/DVD on Windows 7/Vista without using software

How to remove Virus Manually in Windows

IT is very simple

Go to run >cmd and give enter

type attrib /s /d

should give every colon

c: attrib /s /d
d: attrib /s /d
g: attrib /s /d

note any SHR attribute and Queer name like amvo.exe,r6r.exe,autorun.inf etc

delete above named files

ex; c:\>del /f /s /a <filename with extension>

after removing this type of files and using ccleaner software

and remove the unused registry files.

now restart your system. again use ccleaner

How to recover a lost file which permanently got deleted by mistake

Hello dear readers! Today I am posting a new blog with a new computer tips. We often get sad when an important file gets deleted by mistake.But do you know You can recover files for your hard disk even though it got permanently deleted?

Yes you can. There are some by which you can recover lost files. Piriform offers a free software Called Recuava. You can download the software to recover your lost files.

How to recover: To recover a file at first select the type of file it was. Then select the location if you can remember.(It is not necessary as the software you will search all of your drive). Then click start. Within 2-3 minutes it will show you list of all the possible files which got deleted. Just choose the file you want recover. Congratulation! You juts recovered a lost valuable file :D

To download the free Recuava software from Download CNET CLICK HERE    OR   
download from here ----->>> click here

How To Create Disk Partition On Windows vista or Windows 7

I will guide you through the procedures for making a partition on your computer/laptops. It’s not at a complicated process, so you could just chill and follow the set of instructions & I’m pretty much sure you will be able to do it.

  • Go to the ‘start-menu’ & hover your mouse over ‘computer’. Right-click on it & click on ‘manage’. Note: If you do not have ‘administrative rights’ or your account is limited. If so, then you will not be able to make a partition. So make sure that you have ‘administrative rights’

  • If you find a window popping up asking for ‘YES’ or ‘NO’. Click on ‘YES’.

  • The ‘Computer Management’ window will open. In there, you will find ‘Storage’. Under that you will be able to see ‘Disk Management’ thus click on it.
          Note: It should take about 10 seconds to load, if it takes lot of time then immediately close the
          computer management or restart the computer and start over from step 1.

  • So when the ‘Disk Management’ window opens you will see there is 1 drive i.e. C-drive or another one before the C-drive called ‘system reserved’. DO NOT do anything on the ‘system reserved drive’.

  • OK! Now you could either create partition on ‘C-drive’ or if any other drive available. You can do this to any drive you want. Of course, depending on the space availability. I am using E-drive to demonstrate the procedure.

  • Right-click on the drive you want to create partition, in my case it is E-drive. A pop-up should come up, click on ‘Shrink Volume’. 
          Note: If you have a big hard-drive, it would take longer time. For instance, if your hard-drive is 1TB it
          can take up to 20 minutes. In case, it says ‘NOT RESPONDING’ don’t worry. Just be patient as it
          will respond.

  • Once the loading is done, a window should pop up. In here you can allocate what size your new drive will be. This completely depends on you. Under ‘Enter the amount of space to shrink’ you have to allocate the size.
      Note: The allocation of size should be done in ‘Megabytes’ only. For instance, if you want to put 10 Gb,
      you could write it as 10024 Mb = 10 Gb and if in one digit like 8gb then write it as 8024 Mb = 8 Gb.

  • Then click on shrink.
          Note: This will take time depending on what size you have allocated.

  • Once it is done, you will find a new slot. Usually it is placed after the drive that you partitioned. The partition drive will show a ‘black bar’. Right-click on the drive with the black bar, a window should pop-up. Just follow the procedure. Keep clicking ‘NEXT’ until you find the bit where it says ‘Assign the following drive letter’. You could just leave it as it is or give any letter you want and then click 'Next'. On the next window just name the volume and make sure ‘perform a quick format’ box is checked. If you un-check it, then the procedure would be very long and leave the other bits as it is. After checking everything and then click 'Next' & then 'Finish'. 

  • Wait for a bit and your new drive will be created. So close everything up and go to my computer & you should see your new drive ready for you to use. 
Use partition maker 

Create Your Own Logon Message

1 Click start
click run
type regedit,
then click ok!

2 Go to "Start>Run"  (OR)   press  "windows key + R"
type "registry" in the RUN.
In The registry editor, drill down to the following key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > software > Microsoft > Windows NT > Current version > Winlogon.
click on "Winlogon"

3 Right click on "LegalNoticeCaption",
click modify,
Type: Your Heading (type whatever you want), and then click ok!

4 Right click on "legalNoticeText",
click modify, and then Type your message! (type whatever you want)

5 Restart Your Computer.

6 The message will appear every time you logon!

Hide A Drive Without Any Software

Here is how to Hide a Drive:

Step 1. Open command Prompt, go to Start Menu > All Programs >Accessories > Command prompt
            (OR) press "windows ket + R"

Step 2. In the Command Prompt, type "Diskpart" and hit enter key. If UAC (User Account Control), dialog
            box prompts than click Yes.

Step 3. Then type "List Volume" and press enter, this will produce the list of all drives.

Step 4. Now select the drive which you want to hide, you can either do this by typing "Select volume 2"(i.e. Volume Number) or by typing "Select Volume F"(i.e. Drive letter)

Step 5. To hide a drive, type "Remove Letter F". Here, F is the drive letter than you want to hide. You can use any drive letter you want.
Step 6. That’s it. You are done! F drive is now hidden

How to unhide hidden drive:

Step 1. Follow the procedure mentioned in step 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Step 2. To show the hidden drive type "Assign Letter F" and hit enter, now you can view F: drive in explorer.

Enjoy.. Hide Your Important.. files In a drive and Hide It.

How To lock and keep a password to a Folder without any Software in Windows 7, Windows XP

Although there are some trail versions available of folder lock software but these all come with an expiry period. So these can’t be used after some time. But by using the steps explained here, you will be able to create a folder which can be locked by password. All the data placed in this folder will be password protected. So you can place all data which you want to hide from other users in this folder. This method works 100% on all versions of Microsoft Windows operating system.
Just follow the simple steps given below:-

1. Open Notepad on your computer.

2. Paste the following code in Notepad
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

3. Change the text YOUR PASSWORD HERE in the above code with password of your choice.

4. Save As the document as SUPERMAN.bat. Just add .bat after file name like SUPERMAN.bat You
    can assign any name instead of SUPERMAN as per your choice.

5. Double click on SUPERMAN.bat file saved in above step.
    This will generate a folder named Locker just besides the SUPERMAN.bat file.

6. Place all the content in this Locker folder which you want to hide from other computer users.
    After placing all the content which you want to hide, just double click on SUPERMAN.bat file.

7. This will prompt for your permission to lock this folder. If you want to lock that folder, type Y otherwise
     type N and hit Enter.

8. Locker folder will disappear.

9. Whenever you want to see the content hidden in locker folder, just double click on SUPERMAN.bat
     file.This will prompt you to enter password assigned in earlier steps.

10. Just put the password and hit Enter.
      Locker folder will appear again. Open Locker folder to see the content contained in it. You can add
      more content which you want to hide.

1. It is unable to create TWO or MORE locker folders in the same location.
2. If you want to create TWO or MORE locker folders, then copy the SUPERMAN.bat file to the another
    locations that where you want to create another locker folders.
3. If you copy this file, then the password of all the locker folders is same.
4. If you want to keep different passwords for different locker folders, then you want to copy the code
    shown in step-2 and replace the YOUR PASSWORD HERE with the password of your choice and save
    the SUPERMAN.bat file to the location where you want to create locker folder. like this you can create a 
    locker folders with different passwords.
5. Don't delete the SUPERMAN.bat file when the locker folder is locked. If you delete that file, you can
    again unlock that folder by creating new SUPERMAN.bat file in that location and unlock the folder with
    'new SUPERMAN.bat file's password'.
*6. If u get confused with above points, then try this:
       Create a single SUPERMAN.bat file and save it in a safe location. when you want to create a locker
       folder in a particular location, then you copy the SUPERMAN.bat file from safe location to that
       particular location and create a folder. After create and lock the folder, delete the SUPERMAN.bat file
       from that particular location. Again when you want to unlock the folder of particular location, copy the
       SUPERMAN.bat file from safe location to that particular location and unlock the folder.

So Hide your all valuable data in a password protected folder on your computer without any software on all versions of Windows computers.

USB Drive as Login Key for Windows PC

In Windows PC, Password  is one of best way to secure your PC from unauthorized access. But most of the time it was not easy to remember all those password to lock and unlock your windows PC. With Rohos Logon Key app you can use your USB drive as the login key for your PC, so you can unlock your PC easily with USB drive, without entering the password on login screen. So now you can use big passwords, without the need for remembering it. All is it possible with the free app.
Login with a USB Key is fully automatic and fast, and yet you don’t need to remember the lengthy password to login into your system. The app is totally 100% free and can be used on any USB drive, no need to purchase new USB drive.

How to Unlock Windows PC with USB Drive
1. Download the windows free app Rohos Logon Key on your PC and install it on your desktop, toget started.
2. Open the app on your desktop and plug the USB device to your Windows PC.
3. Click on the “Setup USB Key” option to use your drive as a login key for the system.

4. Now all you have to do is the enter the windows Login password on the new pop windows to activate the USB key setup on your drive.

5. After this you will get the new message on your screen that “Your USB key has been successfully configured”. And now you can use the USB drive to unlock the windows PC.

6. Go to the lock screen of your PC and plug the USB drive on your system and your PC will unlock within a seconds, no need to enter the password on the login screen.
7. You can disable the password any time from the app by clicking on the “Disbale Key” option from the app.

The app is totally free and work on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and WIndows 8 PC smoothly. The app is one of the best way top secure your PC with USB drive.

How to schedule your computer to shutdown at specific time

Windows has a secret trick that allows you to do just that :)

1) Go to Start -> Run. Type in 'shutdown -s -t 120' and press Enter.

2) Your computer will shut down in 120 seconds. Change 120 to any number (in seconds) you like :)

Important: If at any time you wish to cancel the operation, type in the command 'shutdown -a'.

PS: You could also use 'at 22:13 shutdown -s' to specify the time to shutdown. Just change 22:13 to any time that you want (must be in 24 hours format)

-s and -t used above are command switches, which is explained in the list below:

-s Shutdown the computer

-t Set a given time for shutdown, in seconds

-r Restart the computer

-l Log off the user

-a Cancels a system shutdown already in progress

-f Forces running applications to close without warning

-i Display a GUI. It must be the first switch

You may use any of these switches to your liking. Normally I'll also add -f to the command so that it will ensure that the computer will shutdown. (but make sure you don't have any unsaved work!)

some windows 7 tricks & tips

Great shortcuts – tips and tricks for your keyboard

In Windows Explorer, hit Ctrl-Shift-N to create a new folder (and highlight it, ready for renaming)
In Windows Explorer, you’re used to right-clicking the mouse for extra options. Try Shift-right-click for even more options (like ‘Pin to Taskbar’ to name just one)
In Windows Explorer, Alt-P switches file previewing on and off. Go for ‘off’ for speed; ‘on’ for previews so you always open the right file.
Win-L locks your computer. Ideal when you’re skipping out for a well-deserved lunch break.
Win-+ and Win-- (win-minus) will zoom your screen in or out, no matter what program you’re using.

Side by side editing in Word

These tips and tricks will literally save you hours working with multiple documents. Suppose you have two versions of a Word document open, one previous version and one new version. Maybe one has comments and edits in view, whereas the other is the final document as you would wish it to be viewed by the reader. Either way, you’ll want to see them both side-by-side for comparison. With Windows 7, you can snap to halves of the screen in a second. Drag your first document window to the left hand edge of the screen. A shadow highlight will appear on the left half of the screen. Release the mouse button, and the window auto-snaps to the left half. Repeat the process for the right window. Job done! Win-LeftArrow and Win-RightArrow on your keyboard will do the same.

Hiee.. frns you can get some useful tips and tricks here njooyyy..........